Sunforce 50044 Review – See How Easily You Can Have Solar Power With Sunforce

This is a short review of the Sunforce 50044 home solar kit for those who are planning to use solar energy to reduce their home electricity consumption.

Firstly, the 50044 kit comes with 4 solar panels capable of producing 15 watts each. Hence, the total power output you’ll get is 60 watts.

The solar kit also comes with a 200 watt power inverter, a 7 amp charge controller and wiring accessories. The only thing that is left out are the batteries.

The number of battery will depend on your personal power requirement. It is best to go for deep cycle battery because it generates a steady power output and can be discharged to a very low level without damaging the internal parts.

Here’s a tip, do not use car battery for a home solar power system. Car battery is designed to generate a high energy spike in order to crank the internal combustion engine. A residential solar system needs a steady power output over a long period of time. Therefore, always go for deep cycle battery.

What type of equipment can you power with the Sunforce 50044 solar kit?

With a 200 watt power inverter, you can plug in most of your home electrical appliances such as laptop, television, Ipod, light fixtures etc. You may not have sufficient power to run all the equipment simultaneously, nonetheless, you can power the appliances with free energy from the sun.

If you have a small room, cabin or RV, the Sunforce 50044 is great as a remote and portable power generator unit.

The kit is available from at $289.99 inclusive of shipping charges.

Phone 4 Energy Review – Is It Full of BS?

I have been doing my research on home solar power system for the last couple of months. To reduce a home electricity bill is not difficult by using solar power, but it involves some capital investment and a lot of hard work.

A home residential solar power system is all about using solar panels to extract energy from the sun and then use it to charge a series of deep cycle battery.

The power from the batteries would need to be passed through a power inverter and then used to power some of the electrical appliances at home. When you have more electrical equipment hooked up to the solar system, you will see a reduction on your month electricity bill.

Are there any ways to charge the battery apart from using solar power?

If you are living in the urban environment, the second best alternative is to use a residential wind generator.

I did come about an interesting concept where you can get free energy to charge the batteries, by using the power from your telephone line!

I came across this interest concept while search the web. It is the Phone 4 Energy web site.

At first, I thought it is a bunch of BS. But what do I have to loose, I decided to check it out.

The guide was written by Ryan Wilson who is a telephone engineer from New York. He claims there is a source of free energy that most people do not know and he is willing to reveal it.

According to Ryan, the phone company generates their own electricity separate from the power utility company. The electric current is required to bring the telephone signal into your home.

Since we’ve already paying for the fixed phone line, why not find a way to use to the electricity supplied by the phone company?

That idea makes sense to me.

As it turns out, the fixed phone line does have a small amount of Direct Current (DC). The challenge is to find a way to make use of it.

What Ryan Wilson did was come up with a Do It Yourself (DIY) kit to extract the energy from the phone line. It is a small amount, but nonetheless, it is free energy.

Even the Photovoltaic (PV) panels are giving out only a small amount of DC. The advantage is the never ending supply.

To make use of the power from the fixed phone line, a separate wire from the telephone cable has to be connected to the charge controller. And then the charge controller will do the rest to monitor and regulate the power needed to charge the batteries.

After a quick review of the Power 4 Energy web site, I notice the selling price to be $47. What I’ve also notice is some of the bonus e-books that come with the offer.

Bonuses such as the Run Your Car On Water and Magnets 4 Energy are selling at $47 on their own! It’s an interesting offer indeed.

If you have your own home battery bank you’ve build to supplement your electricity consumption, why not use the current coming from the fixed phone line. You’ve already paying for the line, you might as well use the power. The Phone 4 Energy guide will show you how.

==> Click here to visit Phone 4 Energy now!

Earth4 Energy Review – Is This The Real Deal?

Does the Earth4 Energy e-book by Michael Harvey works? Will it help to reduce your home electricity bills?

The key behind the Earth4 Energy guide is to teach you how to make a Do It Yourself (DIY) solar panel with minimal cost. A typical Photovoltaic (PV) panel consists of 36 PV cells capable of generating 18 volts of electricity at 75 watts.

Joining a couple of solar panels together and you’ll be able to harness the free energy from the sun and use is to charge up a battery bank. The same battery bank can then be used to power some of your home electrical appliances and most of the lighting fixtures.

How much would it cost to make a solar panel on your own? By following the instruction in Earth4 Energy, you can get it done with less than $150. The budget can get lower if you are willing to do some work sourcing for used or recycled solar cells.

There is a disclaimer though. A homemade solar panel is not a difficult task. However, if you are not good with hand tools and you don’t know how to solder two pieces of wires together, the whole project can be very challenging for you.

Imaging this….you have 36 pieces of PV cell and each cell has 2 tabbing wires. All the tabbing wires have to be soldered to each other to form a series of photo conducting cell. Therefore, you have to do more than 72 soldered wire joints!

If you don’t feel comfortable handling hot iron rods or working with molten metal, it is fair to say making the DIY solar panel will not work for you.

So what’s your alternative then?

You can head over to and buy a readymade solar panel.

To wrap up, is the Earth4 Energy guide by Michael Harvey the real deal?

It will show you how to make a solar panel on your own with step by step instructional videos, but the rest is up to you. If you have patient and dedication, the DIY solar panel will supply sufficient power for your home solar power system.

==> Click here to visit Earth4 Energy now!