Cheap Magnets – Where To Find Inexpensive Magnets For DIY Magnetic Generator

If you are looking for renewable energy idea to reduce your home energy consumption, you may want to look into a concept known as “magnetic generator”. This blog was created to document the information I found about DIY solar power and wind energy. I actually stumbled upon the idea of using magnets to generate power from an e-book call Magnets 4 Energy.

One thing is for sure, if you want to generate sufficient power from your DIY magnetic generator, you need to use a lot of magnets. Are there any places we can find cheap magnets for sale? As a matter of fact, there is. You can find loads of inexpensive magnets from eBay.

Shopping On eBay

eBay is the largest auction site on the internet. There are literally millions of people trading good and services on that social portal. With so many users, there bound to be people selling or off loading surplus magnets. Here’s what you need to do to get your hands of cheap magnets for your homemade magnetic generator.

First, go to eBay main web site at If you do not have an account with eBay, sign up for a user account right now. Registration is free. Just follow the instruction and key in your particular. You need a user account with eBay to bid for the magnets.

At eBay main page, you should see a search bar on the top left. Type in the word “magnets” and then click on the “Search” button. When you do that, the search engine will pull out all the listings which have magnets in them.

The last time I did this, there were 32,407 results! This is the hard part. Now you have to go through all the offers to find the one that meet your requirement. Here’s the fact, there are a lot of cheap magnets in the market if you were to look for it. The challenge is to put in the time and effort to sift through all the junk offers.

Locating Cheap Magnet Offers

Since most of the listings on eBay have a product picture attached, finding the cheap magnets that you want may not take too much time. I found 2 potential offers just by scrolling through the list and it took me less than 10 minutes to find them. Check out the screen shots below.

There are many more ways how you can find cheap parts for your DIY magnetic generator. In the near future, I will write more about it.

The strategy to find cheap magnets on eBay, I actually got it from the Magnets 4 Energy magnetic generator manual. If you want to build your own magnet generator to reduce your home energy consumption, be sure to check out the couple Magniwork reviews first.

==> Click here to read more about Magnets 4 Energy now!

How To Make Do It Yourself (DIY) Solar Panels

Last week, I did a blog post on where to find cheap solar cells on the internet. There are a lot of inexpensive PV cells available on eBay. You should check it out.

Now, assuming you’ve gotten your hands on the solar cells, what’s next?

Individual solar cell would not be able to generate sufficient power for your home use. You have to connect them in series to produce sufficient power on a solar array.

How do you connect all the PV cells together? This is where you have to acquire some soldering skill.

Soldering is really not that difficult. All you need is the right set of tools and good hand, fingers and eye coordination. Easier said than done…honestly it is not that difficult.

Here’s what you need to solder all the solar cells together:
1) Soldering iron
2) Silver solder
3) 2mm think tabbing ribbon
4) Solder Flux Paste / Pen

Step one, set your solder iron temperature controller to around 450 degrees. This is a pretty low setting but it is sufficient so you won’t burn the silver solder. The video below shows you all the tools you need for PV cells soldering.

Next step is thinning the tab wire. Melt a littler silver solder with the hot solder iron and place the liquid solder on the tab wire. Be careful, it’s hot!

You are basically sliding the solder across the tab wire and it should flow very smoothly. Thin the tab wire one side and then the back of the opposite side. Watch the video below and you’ll understand.

Now, place a solar cell on its back. Again, you have to be careful because PV cells are very fragile. Begin by cleaning the contacts with the flux pen.

A flux pen gives off a special acid that will dissolve any dirt on the contacts. It’s a very handy tool. Make sure you get one.

Next, take the tabbing ribbon and align with the solar cell contacts. Use some lead and solder it on with the iron solder. This is a tricky process but it gets easier after some practice.

Do it for the whole length of the solar cells. Now this is the tedious part, repeat the above process for ALL the solar cells. When it is done, you can start to connect the solar cells together in series.

Making your own DIY solar panels is not really difficult. It is a lot of work but it can be done. If you are planning to make your own home solar power system, check out the Green DIY Energy web site.

I learned where to find cheap solar cells and soldering process from the Green DIY Energy. For a comprehensive review of Green DIY Energy, go to

==> Click here to read more about Green DIY Energy now!

Related web pages:
1) Michael Harvey Earth 4 Energy Review

2) Power 4 Home Review – A Complete Review of John Russel Power4Home

3) Magniwork Review – Is Magniwork Generator System A Scam?

DIY Power System Review – Is This Another DIY Energy Scam?

Energy Saving With DIY Power System

Recently there has been a lot of interest on renewable energy system for homes. I guess home owners are thinking about the environment issues. Or it may be because of the rise in energy cost which is burning a hole in their pocket. Whatever the reason, it is a good thing.

If you are interested in a DIY power system, then solar power is your best bet right now. Solar offers the most consistent, reliable form of alternative energy and the systems available are easy enough for a skilled homeowner to do on their own. It just takes a full set of tools and a bit of dedication to the project.

I recently found a web site that offers a step by step manual that will teach you how to build your own DIY solar energy system. It is DIY Power System and they can be found at

Building Your Own Renewable Energy System

You is not that difficult to build the entire power system yourself, starting with the actual solar panels. One thing that makes the project accessible is that you can start with just a single panel and add on later.

If you design the system with expansion in mind, you will be able to add panels as you build them while you are already taking advantage of the benefits of the power generated by the first panels.

When looking for plans or guides, you want to make sure you are getting something with very specific information right down to each individual connection. Lots of systems come with very general directions and ideas instead of specifics. There are great for the planning phases of your project, but will not help you when you get down to the actual construction and assembly of your system.

So far, after reading the DIY Power System guide, the information is pretty concise. The language is quite easy to understand without many technical jargon. The pictures and diagrams are also a plus.

Picking The Right Renewable Energy Guide

A good renewable energy guide for home should have explanations of how solar power works and how all the different parts of the system interconnect. If you understand the big picture you will understand the importance of the details. The system should also explain details about each individual component.

It is very helpful to have a list of sources for some of the components that can not be picked up at Lowes or the Home Depot. A good guide should pay for itself in the savings it helps you get by suggesting the best places to find quality parts at the best deals. Luckily, DIY Power System fits this bill perfectly.

Once you have assembled all the components necessary for your build, then you need very specific directions on how it all goes together. Getting it right is critical for the safety and efficiency of your system. You can do this yourself, but it helps to have the experience and advice of those who have gone before. Why make all the mistakes yourself when someone who has done it can show you the ropes.

Home Energy Storage System

When you are building a renewable energy system, remember that with solar power, at some points at during the day, like high noon, you will be generating more power than you can use. Other times, like the middle of the night or when it is overcast or raining, you will not be able to generate any at all. It is a critical part of your system that you be able to store the excess energy created at peak hours to use at off hours. Make sure this is factored into your system.

If you are off the grid, you are going to need a battery bank and an inverter to be able to store electricity for later. If you are still attached to the rid, then the easiest solution is to sell electricity to the grid when you have too much and buy it back when you need it. Depending on where you live and the size of your system this may reduce your monthly bill or eliminate it all together.

The Product Guarantees

One thing that is unique about information product on the web is the product guarantee. Since the DIY Power System guide is offered under Clickbank, every purchase is covered under their 60 Days Money Back Guarantee policy. If you are not happy with your purchase, there is a cooling off period of 60 days from the date of your purchase. This policy in effect removes all the risk from the buyer. The author of the product has to make sure it is of high quality, if not he will see a lot of people asking for refund.

DIY Power System Review Conclusion

After going through the manual, I believe DIY Power System is capable of standing on its own. The amount of quality information is on par with most of the top home renewable energy guide on the market. If you are thinking of ways to reduce your home energy consumption, give DIY Power System a shot.

==> Click here to read more about DIY Power System now!