Magniwork Generator – Is The Magnetic Generator From Magniwork A Scam?

For the last couple of days, I have been reading the Magniwork generator e-book that I bought. I found the information quite interesting. Anyway, I’m a science geek and I like this type of information.

I was wondering, can we really use magnetic forces to generate electricity to power our home electrical appliances? According to the Magniwork guide, we can.

What’s Possible With Magnetic Generator

To be honest, I think a Do It Yourself (DIY) magnetic rotor is capable, of generating electric power sufficient to light up a 50 watt light bulb. I don’t think it is capable to do anything more than that.

If you want to get more out of the magnet generator, you would have to build multiple dynamos and flow all the electricity into a battery bank.

You would have to run the generator for couple of days to charge up the battery. The stored electricity can then be used to power low wattage electrical appliances such as a radio, fan, table lamp etc. The key here is to scale up the project. Very much like a home solar power system.

Magniwork Generator Scam!

Is the Magniwork generator idea a scam? “Scam” is actually too strong of a word. More of “false expectation”.

A homemade magnetic generator will not solve your power consumption issue at home. It is unlikely the system can reduce it by 50% or more. It may generate sufficient power to light a table lamp and that’s about it.

Like I said earlier, if you are a science geek and you like to build stuff in your garage, then Magniwork generator would be a lot of fun. It’s really cool seeing how magnets interact with each other to produce kinetic energy. The “whooshing” sound of the spinning flywheel will make you feel as if you’ve created an alien machine!

Practical Idea To Reduce Home Energy Consumption

If you are looking for practical ideas to reduce your home electricity consumption, why not look into solar power. Residential solar is a billion dollar industry.

There are thousands of solar power contractors in the country and it is a booming industry. That shows a lot of home owners are investing in the system.

Start off by getting some basic understanding on what’s involved in a home solar power system. Be prudent and get informed. At least you will know when the solar contractor is charging you for unnecessary parts or work done on your home.

If you are looking for home solar energy information, check out the Power 4 Home at It has a series of High Definition (HD) videos that will show you how to make your own solar panel for less than $200.

You can read the Power 4 Home review that I wrote a couple of weeks back.

==> Click here to read more about Power 4 Home!

Magniwork Scam – Is The Magniwork Manual Bogus?

Since the last time I did the magnetic generator post, I am still wondering whether the Magniwork e-book is a scam? Is the idea of producing free energy with magnets bogus? If the idea of free energy is real, how come many people don’t know about it?

What Other People Say

For the last couple of days, I have been researching and reading on the subject matter. There are many people that claim the concept of magnetic generator is legit and some people allege that there is a conspiracy keeping the public from getting access to this type of technology. If you like “conspiracy theory”, this one is right for you.

On the other side of the spectrum, there are people that said the whole idea of getting free energy is phony. The funny thing is, there is a company in Australia that manufactures a commercial version of magnet generator.

Don’t believe me?

Check out Lutec Australia Pty Ltd. They have complete patent (both pending and granted) for their magnetic generator technology in more than 19 countries!

Is Magniwork A Fraud?

Coming back to the Magniwork e-book, is the author trying to cheat the clueless?

Personally, I think there is a lot of hype in the Magniwork web page. The science of using a magnet driven device to generate electricity is not perfect. Nonetheless, many Do It Yourself (DIY) enthusiasts are giving it a try.

If you want to use a magnetic generator to create electricity, you need to understand there will be other components involved. The components are charge controller, battery bank and power inverter.

The function of the charge controller is to use the current generated by the magnetic generator to charge a series of batteries. The best battery for domestic use is the true deep cycle type found on electric golf carts. Since battery can only store Direct Current (DC), you will need to use the power inverter to change to DC to Alternate Current (AC).

There are a lot of things to learn. Are you willing to invest the time?

To reduce your home electricity bill, there are a few simple things you can do. The Magniwork e-book does cover this subject. For example, conducting a full home energy audit to check for air leaks, have better home insulation, servicing your air-conditioning unit or heater etc.

Would you feel swindled if you purchase a copy of Magniwork? Is it bogus?

I try my best not to be too critical when doing a book review. This guide book is not for everyone. If you like scientific stuff and love to build stuff with your hand, there’s no harm giving it a go. Magniwork comes with a 60 days money back guarantee anyway.

For more information about the Magniwork magnetic generator, click on the link below.

==> Click here to visit Magniwork now!

Power4 Home Scam – Is The E-Book Power 4 Home A Fraud?

Is Power 4 Home A Scammer?

I wanted to write this blog post because there has been a lot of discussion about Power 4 Home e-book being a scam.

Firstly, I wouldn’t want to say whether anyone is right or wrong on this matter. Everyone has the right to their personal opinion.

What do I think about Power4 Home? Do I think it’s a scam? The truth is, I am pretty neutral on this subject.

I think the main difference here is the “expectation” of the buyer. Can you really make a solar power or wind generator system for less than $200 as proclaimed in Power 4 Home? It is difficult but not impossible.

Most of the parts such as the solar cells, charge controller, deep cycle batteries, power converter, cables etc are pretty expensive. It will cost a lot of money if you were to buy them from a hardware store.

Do you know you can get them for free or at a fraction of the cost? There are a lot of used of recycle parts that you can find if you are willing to do the work.

Are you willing to spend 2 weeks sourcing for used solar cells, test them, connect all of them together to make your home solar array? Some people are not willing to do that. It takes too much time and effort.

Are you willing to go to a golf course, talk to the electric golf cart maintenance technician and strike a deal with him so he’ll trade you the old deep cycle batteries? Some people choose not to do that.

All this are steps that you have to take in order to minimize your DIY renewable energy project cost. John Russel, the author of Power 4 Home did mentioned you can setup a solar panel for less than $200, as long as you follow his suggestion and willing to do the work.

Power4 Home E-book Guarantee

I also read a discussion on the web where a person claims that Power4 Home is a scam because he is unable to get a refund. Honestly, I find this hard to believe.

Power 4 Home is offered under Clickbank and they have a no question ask 60 days Money Back Guarantee policy for all of their information products.

I believe those that purchased the Power4 Home guide and unable to get their refund is because they went to the wrong web site. If they were to contact Power4Home web site to get the refund, they won’t be able to because that is not the right place for it.

To get the refund, they should visit Clickbank Customer Support page. All they need is the Clickbank Order Number to verify their purchase. However, the refund request has to be done within 60 day from the initial purchase date.

What Is Your Expectation?

Before I end this post, I want to reiterate that the issue of labeling Power 4 Home as a scam boils down to our “expectation”. Some people think they can cut their home power consumption by half just by purchasing a $49.97 e-book. I doubt that is going to happen.

Most of us would not have the skill, tools or knowledge to make a functional solar power or wind energy system for our home. It is a better idea to engage a professional contractor.

As a home owner, we should be prudent. We should at least get some basic information on the science of a home solar power system. At least with this knowledge, you will know when you are being charge of unnecessary parts or work done by the contractor.

If you have that kind of requirement or expectation, then the Power 4 Home e-book would be a good fit for you.

==> Click here to visit Power 4 Home now!