Ambigrid Review – Reviewing The Ambigrid E-book

Here’s another home renewable energy guide that I wanted to do a review on. It’s an e-book called Ambigrid. You can see its main web site at

First Impression

When I first landed on its web site, the thing that caught my attention is its big bold red headline. Ambigrid is revealing the “secret” for generating free electricity.

It’s not really a secret though. We can easily create free energy either by using solar power or wind generator at home. The challenge is to build a working model with minimum cost.

Inexpensive Renewable Energy System

One thing that I do agree, you do not have to spend thousands of dollar to have your own residential renewable energy system. You can build the system on your own via Do It Yourself (DIY) approach.

However, there is a catch. It involves a lot of tedious work and time investment. Nonetheless, it can be done with the proper step-by-step guide.

In the Ambigrid e-book, it offers 4 residential green power systems.

  • Solar panels
  • Wind turbines
  • Solar water heaters
  • Solar air heaters
  • The solar panel and wind generator are power production system while the solar water and air heaters are mainly to reduce your existing home energy bill.

    During winter time, close to 50 percent of our home power bill is spent on heating the internal area of our house. By using the solar air and water heater, it is a practical way to bring down our home energy consumption.

    Product Guarantee and Cost

    What if the suggestion in Ambigrid does not work? Well, there’s a 60 days money back guarantee on the manual.

    That’s one of the benefits of buying information product on the internet. If you don’t like it, you can return it for a full refund within 60 days from your purchase date.

    So how much does Ambigrid costs?

    The regular price is listed as $197, but the actual price is $49.00. The cost of the manual is relatively similar to other renewable energy kits on the web.

    Ambigrid Review Conclusion

    If you are tired of paying ridiculously high electricity rates to the power utility companies, it’s time for you to look for alternative energy sources to supplement your home energy needs.

    The best solution right now is green energy in the form of solar or wind power.

    Engaging a professional contractor to setup the system can be expensive. You’ll need at least $30,000 capital investment to get started.

    A cheaper alternative is to build the renewable energy system on your own. If you are a DIYer, the Ambigrid e-book will give you a good step-by-step instruction to build a solar panel, wind generator, solar water and solar air heater.

    All you have to do is read the blueprint and spend some time working in your garage.

    ==> Click here to visit mbigrid now!

    Related web pages:
    1) Homemade Energy Review – Is Homemade Energy E-book a Scam?

    2) Green DIY Energy Reviews – Reviewing The GreenDIYEnergy Manual

    3) Energy 2 Green Review – Does Energy2Green Delivers?

    Reviewing the $98 DIY Solar Panel Guide

    One of the upcoming home green energy guide on the internet is the Green DIY Energy program. In the members’ area, you actually get to access 6 High Definition (HD) instructional videos on how to make your own solar panel.

    Apart from the video series, there are also 4 bonus e-books available for download that covers the topic of DIY solar panel and DIY wind generator. In this blog post I am going to do a review of the Do It Yourself (DIY) solar panel guide e-book.

    The $98 Homemade Solar Panel

    The core message behind this guide is how to make a solar panel for under $100…$98 to be exactly. I was pretty skeptical initially. I thought you will need a bigger budget in order to do that.

    To show you that it is possible to work on such a low budget, there is a cost break down of all the parts and components for the solar module.

    The biggest cost is the Photovoltaic (PV) cells. The author of the manual actually recommends getting the solar cells from eBay. The idea is to get slightly damaged or cracked cells. These are definitely cheaper compared to new solar cells.

    The second largest cost for the project is on miscellaneous wood which you have to get from the lumber yard. If you have some plywood laying around, you can use them to get your cost even lower.

    The other items are pretty inexpensive that you may already have in your garage. Items such as silicone caulk, screws, Plexiglas, paint etc.

    Step By Step Instructions

    One thing that I really like in this e-book is the step by step instructions. Reading the manual, it will take you through the following process:

    1) Checking and joining the solar cells together.

    You have to check all the cells you’ve bought from eBay to make sure them are in good working condition. You will need a multi-meter to do this.

    The next step is to solder all the PV cells together. To understand how this is done, you should watch one of the video in the series. The host, Byran Clark will show you how to use the soldering gun, solder and the flux.

    2) Building the solar panel box.

    The next thing you have to do is make the box where it will house all the solar cells. The key here is the dimension, the material and protective coating to make it lasts.

    3) Preparing the substrate.

    If you didn’t know, the PV cells are not affixed the solar panel box. Instead, they are glued on to a substrate. Again, the importance here is to get the dimension right and protective coatings.

    4) Plexiglas cover.

    In this section, the manual will show you how to attach the clear Plexiglas to the solar panel. It is not as easy as it seems.

    You have to follow the steps recommended in order to prevent the Plexiglas from bending, cracking or moisture seeping into the PV cells area.

    5) Panel testing and assembly.

    The final stage of making your own solar module is to test it and then assemble it. Again, you will need to use a multi-meter to do this.

    Manual Review Conclusion

    So what’s my verdict? The DIY solar panel guide from Green DIY Energy is good. If you use it together with their HD instructional videos, it makes it “Great”!

    Some people may not be able to understand the instructions on the e-book. The videos actually show you how the steps are done. It complements the guide nicely.

    If you are wandering how to make a home solar panel for under $100, Green DIY Energy has the solution for you. If you like to get more information, check out the comprehensive Green DIY Energy review on this blog.

    ==> Click here visit Green DIY Energy now!

    Related web pages:

    1) Green DIY Energy Review – Is Green DIY Energy Another Scam?

    2) DIY Solar Panel – Step-by-step instruction

    3) The Foundation for Environmental Education

    Homemade Energy Review – Is Homemade Energy E-book a Scam?

    Ever since the global crude oil price reached its peak at $150 per barrel back in mid 2008, home owners have had to pay a higher electricity bill. This is not surprising since most of the utility companies use oil or natural gas to generate power.

    The dreadful question is, would there be another price hike in the future? Chances are…it might.

    I don’t know about you, but I don’t like to be at the mercy of the power companies. They increase the power rate I have to pay but I have never seen a reduction…even when crude oil prices have reduced!

    That has lead me to source for ways to reduce my home electricity consumption. One alternative is to use renewable energy sources such as solar and wind generator.

    As it turns out, there are many DIY residential renewable energy guides on the web. One of the popular ones is the Homemade Energy e-book from

    Is it any good? Or is it a scam?

    That’s the reason I’m writing this review.

    Homemade Energy Manual Review

    The Homemade Energy book is written by Ben Ford. Ben is a 52 year old Californian who has some experience building residential green energy systems. You can see Ben in his introduction video above.

    For this review, I decided to purchase the manual.

    Is It A Scam?

    To be honest, I was a bit hesitant before I made the purchase. But I did it anyway. There’s actually a 60 Day Money Back Guarantee on Ben’s offer. So I thought what the heck. There’s no harm trying it.

    There are actually 2 manuals that come with Homemade Energy. A DIY solar panel and home wind turbine guide.

    Ben of Homemade Energy promised he’ll show us how to own a solar or wind power for $200 or even less.

    If is possible to work with such a low budget or is he pulling my leg?

    I started to read the solar power guide to find the answer.

    DIY Solar Panel For Less Than $200

    After reading the solar guide, I realized the budget of less than $200 is meant for 1 solar panel and not for the complete system.

    The solar panel instruction recommended in Homemade Energy is capable of generating about 18 volts and approximately 75 watts of energy. To do that, we have to use 36 pieces of Photovoltaic (PV) cells.

    As it turns out, we can get a lot of the construction material quite cheaply from Ebay.

    To be fair, a complete residential solar power system would need more than $200 of capital investment. Remember, there are other components involved such as DC disconnect, switch panel, battery bank, charge controller, power inverter, power cables, meter gauges etc.

    Ben did cover a quick description of all the components in his guide, but I wish he could have provided more information such as the types, cost, recommendation etc.

    Review Conclusion

    So, is Ben Ford’s Homemade Energy guide a scam? Personally, I did learn some valuable information from the guide. I have not read the wind generator manual yet. But so far, the DIY solar panel instructions make sense and relatively easy to follow.

    Hence, I don’t think it a scam. Nonetheless, everyone has their own individual opinion. If you want to know more about Homemade Energy, click on the link below.

    ==> Click here to visit Homemade Energy now!

    Related web pages:
    1) Green DIY Energy Reviews – Reviewing The GreenDIYEnergy Manual

    2) Information on Power4Home – 10 Quick Points

    3) Heartland Renewable Energy Society