First Step To Getting Your Home Off The Power Grid

Solar energy technology is an old concept and was developed years ago, it has capability to meet all your energy needs without being dependent on the grid for your power needs. You may be wondering how can you enjoy watching big screen television, using multiple refrigerators or even enjoy cool breeze of air conditioners in …

Investing In A Home Photovoltaic Solar Power System

With the growing demand of conventional energy and majority of the households using it across the world, there should be no surprise if the resources of the earth are getting depleted on regular basis. We have been using the resources available to us for thousands of years without actually contributing anything except the harmful polluted …

Photovoltaic Solar Panels – Supplementing Your Home Energy Needs

A solar panel or Photovoltaic (PV) panel is an interconnected construction of a set of Photovoltaic cells. The main function of a PV panel is to convert sunlight into electrical energy for use in commercial establishments and residential buildings. The electric power generated using solar panels is called the ‘Photovoltaic effect’. Each solar cell is …