Home Solar Power In Mississippi – Enjoy Federal Tax Credit

If you are living in the state of Mississippi, you should definitely power your home with a home solar energy system. Why would you want to do so? Well, your federal government is willing to help you.

When was the last time you look at your home electricity bill? If you were to compare it with last year bills, most probably your utility bill has increased.

This is due to rising energy cost and new electronic gadgets available in the market. We keep on buying new electrical appliances for our homes. Guess what, all these gadgets run on electricity.

To reduce electricity cost, many home owners are looking into residential solar power to supplement their energy needs. If you were to engage a professional solar contractor, be prepared to set aside a budget of $25,000 to $40,000 for a complete system.

It is a large investment, but for the residence of Mississippi, you are in luck because you can get a 30% federal tax credit on your home solar system. The tax credit is for gross cost at installation for on solar electric, solar water heating and wind turbine. There is also no cap available for residential and commercial installations. Meaning you can go for the biggest system your budget will allow.

If you want to save some cost, you can actually opt for a Do It Yourself (DIY) solar system. However, before you begin the project, it is best you understand how electricity works and the science behind solar technology.

Generally a residential solar energy system has 4 major components which are the solar panels, charge controller, battery bank and power inverter. This system is supported by smaller components such as voltage meter, amperage meter, DC disconnect switch, cut off fuses, system monitor, copper cables etc.

The heart of the system, the solar panels create electricity by using a special semi-conductive material known as Photovoltaic (PV) cell. By linking multiple PV cells together, the electric current created can be stored in a battery back which can be used to power your home electrical appliances.

When you have multiple appliances using free energy from the sun, you will begin to notice a reduction in your monthly electricity bill.

DIY Home Solar Guide

If you need some information on how to start a homemade solar power setup, check out the Power4Home e-book from John Russel. John is an inventor from Minnesota that created the Power4Home manual to assist DIY enthusiasts to build their own solar system in their backyard.

Since the Mississippi federal government is giving you a tax credit of 30%, why not make full use of it by building your own solar generator. For more information about Power4Home, click on the link below.

==> Click here to visit Power4Home now!

12 Volt Deep Cycle Battery By Advance Gel Technology

If you are planning to build your own home solar power system to reduce your monthly electricity bill, you need to understand the key components of the system.

A residential solar power system consists main of 4 key components which are the solar panels, charge controller, battery bank and power inverter. There are other smaller solar parts that support the entire system such as voltage meter, amperage meter, cut off safety fuses, disconnect switch and copper cables.

For a home solar energy setup, you can’t use the power as when you needed it. Meaning, if you need solar power to run your television at night, you won’t be able to because there is no sunlight. The Photovoltaic (PV) cells can only work when the sun is out.

Therefore, the system has to be setup up to harness all the energy during the day and store it in a battery bank so it can be used later.

DIY Domestic Battery Bank

When you are building the battery bank, the best battery for the job is deep cycle type. This kind of battery is mainly found on electric golf carts. They are very durable and can be discharged to a very low level without damaging its internal plates.

One type of battery that I’ve seen to be suitable for a home solar power system is the 12 volt sealed battery from Advanced Gel Technology.

The battery has 105 amp hour which will run your electrical appliances throughout the night. It is made from Absorbed Glass Mat (AGM) meaning it is sealed and would not have any spillage.

Size wise, the battery is 12” x 6.6” x 8.2”. The battery measurement is pretty standard. Durability wise, it will last for 3000 charge cycle if you were to use it at 15% Depth Of Discharge (DOD).

How many 12 volt batteries do you need for your home use?

The actual number will depend on your power requirement. If you have multiple electrical appliances connected to the solar power system, you may need 4 – 6 units wired in parallel to provide you all the juice you’ll need.

Because the Advanced Gel Technology is AGM, it costs more compared to other conventional deep cycle battery but it gives you a good level of convenience.

How much does it cost? The battery is selling at $249.99 per unit from Amazon.com with free shipping. To get your unit of the AGM battery from Amazon.com, click here.

DIY Home Solar Power Guide

Do you need some help to build your own home solar system? If you do, check out John Russel’s Power4Home guide. It comes with pdf e-books and High Definition (HD) step by step instructional videos. For more information, click on the link below.

==> Click here to visit Power4Home now!


Magnet4Power Review – Does Magnet 4 Power System Works?

If you were to do a search online on home magnetic generator, most probably you will see some write ups on the Magnet4Power system guide book. Using magnets to generate electricity to reduce home energy consumption has become a trend nowadays.

Since this blog is dedicated to information related to renewable energy for homes, I thought of writing a Magnet4Power review here.

If you didn’t know, the Magnet4Power pdf e-book is a manual that will show you how to make use of magnetism to create usable electricity for home use.

Sounds far fetch? I don’t blame you.

When you first visit the website at www.magnet4power.com, you’ll see a bold heading saying you can generate up to $1000 or more per year worth of electricity with a device made with spare parts lying around your house!

I know, it is very hype-py…but that’s how most web sites on the internet are nowadays to attract attention. Let’s move pass that.

Apparently the Magnet4Power e-book was written by Tomas Beronson. He is a self proclaim magnet, solar and wind energy enthusiast.

A quick Google on his name did not reveal much information. Most probably he is a marketing character created by the web site publisher to promote the manual. It’s a common practice so I am not too concern about it.

It took me about 30 minutes to read through the entire e-book. Generally, the idea is to make a magnetic generator to create electricity. The current generated is to be directed to a charge controller where it will be used to charge a series of deep cycle batteries.

Since the power output from the magnet driven device is very small, most probably you have to scale it up and have multiple generators connected in series to get a good power flow. Using only 1 generator will take you days to charge a standard 12 volt battery.

What I like most about the Magnet4Power guide is the bonuses. When you’ve made your purchase, you will get a copy of “Planning and Installing Bioenergy Systems” and “Renewable Energy Technology” e-books. If you are keen to learn other form of renewable energy sources, the bonus manuals will be a big help.

Magnet4Power Review Conclusion

It is fair to say, the technology of a home magnetic generator is not perfect. There is still a long way to go. Nonetheless, many Do It Yourself (DIY) enthusiasts are giving it a try.

Should you buy the magnetic generator guide?

That is up to you actually. If you like scientific stuff and love to spend time in your workshop, it wouldn’t hurt getting a copy to see what it has to offer. Heck, it comes with a 60 days money back guarantee anyway. For more information on Magnet4Power, click on the link below.

==> Click here to visit Magnet4Power now!