How To Check If A Photovoltaic Cell Is In Good Working Condition?

A couple of weeks ago, I did a blog post on how to find cheap residential solar panels. From the blog post, the best place to source for inexpensive solar cells is at Ebay.

The solar cells auctioned at Ebay are cheap because some of them are second hand goods. Some cells may even be damaged or cracked.

How would you know if the cells are in working condition? Simple, you have to test it with a multi-meter.

If you were to buy a box of PV cells from Ebay, your next step is to check each and every cell for cracks or chipping. Do a visual inspection on the cell. If there’s a big crack, chances are, it may not be working.

Measuring the Voltage and Current with a Multi-meter

When you have done with the visual inspection, your next step is to measure the current produced by the cell. To do this, you must know how to use a multi-meter. Set the testing rods in place and then turn the dial to measure current readings.

The front side of the solar cell, the bluish surface is the “negative” side. This is the side when exposed to sun light, the elections will exit through the electrodes. The electrodes are the metal ribbon strips. If the electrodes are gone, you may have to solder a new one on it.

On the back side of the cell, there are usually 3 contact points. This is the “positive” side.

Now, go outside and put the solar cell under the sun. We want to measure its power production capability when exposed to sun light.

Touch the testing rods of the multi-meter on the electrodes and the contact point. Make sure the nodes are correct. If you get this mixed up, you will get an incorrect reading.

If the PV cell is producing about 2.5 amps or more current under the sun, it is in good working condition. If you are getting a reading of less than 1 amp, the cell is not generating power efficiently and can be discarded.

Test all the cells that you bought from Ebay. If you are lucky, you won’t be getting too many damaged solar cell.

Is it possible to build your own solar panel for less than $100? Yes it is if you are willing to do some leg work to source for cheap solar parts and components.

To learn the tips and tricks on where to find cheap parts, be sure to check out the Green DIY Energy guide. For a comprehensive Green DIY Energy review, go to

==> Click here to visit Green DIY Energy now!

Related web page:
1) Reviewing Earth 4 Energy – Is Michael Hervey’s DIY home solar power guide the real deal?

Types of Building Material Suitable For A Solar Greenhouse

Building Your Own Solar Greenhouse

A solar greenhouse can be a great natural way to use solar energy to heat up our living room in during winter time. If you were to build the solar greenhouse via Do It Yourself (DIY) approach, what type of building material should you use?

The type of building material suitable for a greenhouse should be low maintenance, non-heat conducting, strong and durable. Here’s some suggestion.

1) Aluminum

Aluminum is a popular material used for structural frame of solar greenhouses because it is relatively lightweight, rust resistance, affordable and easy to assemble.

However, there is a downside to using aluminum. It is not a good insulating material in very cold weather. Aluminum frames has a tendency to lose heat which will affect the performance of the greenhouse.

2) Wood

Wooden structural framing is used because of its aesthetic value. It has a natural feel and can blend it very well with your existing house.

Wood is also a good insulating material because it does not allow heat loss in cold weather. But wood does have its downside. Being a natural material, it tends to develop mildew or disease and is susceptible to termites.

3) PVC pipes

If you are building a relatively small solar greenhouse, you can consider using PVC pipes as the structural frame. Because of its light weight, you may have to use additional support to withstand strong winds.

PVC pipes are flexible hence it can be used for hoop greenhouses. Since PVC pipes are chemically manufactured, it is susceptible to UV light. If exposed to direct sun light for a long period of time, it will become faded, brittle and ultimately cracks will develop.

4) Solexx

Another type of building material you can consider for solar greenhouses is Solexx. These greenhouse frames have excellent structural strength being made of a combination of composite tubing, steel and PVC.

The advantage of using these is that while composite tubing and steel provide amazing strength, PVC provides insulation and minimizes condensation on the frame.

A greenhouse frame made from Solexx has no trouble with harsh winds or weather.

Choosing the right building material for your DIY solar greenhouse is an important matter because it will determine the lifespan of the structure. If you have to budget, go for the type of material which is strong and durable.

To construct your own solar greenhouse is not a difficult endeavor. What you’ll need is a good set of construction plans and step-by-step instruction. To find an easy to follow blueprint, check out Bill Keene’s Building a Greenhouse Plans e-book. The manual has a comprehensive write ups on what is the best building material to use.

==> Click here to read more about Building a Greenhouse Plans now!

Related web pages:

1) Earth 4 Energy Review – A quick review on the top selling renewable energy guide from Clickbank.

2) Green DIY Energy Reviews – Is Green DIY Energy Another Scam?

Using Solar Greenhouse to Keep Your Home Warm During Winter Naturally

There are many ways to use the free energy from the sun. Many home owners like the idea of using solar energy to reduce their home electricity bill.

Couple of weeks ago, I wrote a blog post on the steps you can take to reduce your heating, ventilation and air-conditioning system (HVAC). As it turns out, HVAC consume a large portion of your monthly utility bill.

The blog post explains how you can save money by making your air-conditioning system more efficient. Are there any ways you can cut your HVAC consumption even further? Yes there is and it is by using a solar greenhouse?

Solar Greenhouses For Natural Heating

What are greenhouses? Are they the same are the glass building used to plant fruits and flowers? As a matter of fact, it is.

Although all greenhouses are designed to collect and use solar energy, solar greenhouses are specifically designed to trap and store thermal energy from the sun.

Meaning, the building is designed in such a way to trap the sun radiation to warm up the air internally. Now, what can you do with the warm air? Why not circulate it around your house and heat up your living rooms during winter. Free heating courtesy of the sun!

Types Of Solar Greenhouses

What types of greenhouses are suitable for natural heating for a home? There are 2 types of solar greenhouses. They are the passive and active design.

1) Passive Solar Greenhouses.

Passive solar greenhouses work by absorbing solar radiation through the glazing and converting it into heat. The building stores heat because it is designed in such a way it limits the heat getting out.

How does the heat get absorbed? The radiated heat is captured by surfaces such as soil, water, rock and other heat absorption materials. The trapped heat will heat up the surrounding air and the hot air can be circulated into your house.

The air is circulated into your home through windows or vents.

2) Active solar greenhouses.

This type of solar greenhouse also collect, store and deliver energy like the passive. The only difference is it uses an electrical equipment such as an exhaust fan to move the heated air from the greenhouse into your home.

Nonetheless, the power used by the exhaust fan is much less compared to an electric heater.

So, is a solar greenhouse a good idea? There are a few factors that you have to consider. One for example it space for you to construct the structure.

It’s a natural way for heating during cold winter months and at the same time, it increases the aesthetical value of your home.

Building Your Solar Greenhouse

There are many ways for you to build a greenhouse. You can engage a contractor or build it yourself to save cost. If you are opting for the DIY approach, you will need a construction blueprint.

For an easy to build and easy to follow blueprint, check out Bill Keene’s Building a Greenhouse Plans e-book. It has complete write ups and design plans for a DIY solar greenhouse. Most of the research material for this blog post came from Bill Keen’s manual.

==> Click here to read more about Building a Greenhouse plans now!

Related web pages:

1) Earth 4 Energy Review – A quick review on the top selling renewable energy guide from Clickbank.

2) Green DIY Energy Reviews – Is Green DIY Energy Another Scam?