How The Government Can Encourage The Usage of Solar Technology

Around 120 years back, the first ever solar Photovoltaic (PV) cell was built using selenium and gold, but unfortunately the efficiency of such a cell was just 1%. With the introduction of photovoltaic panels, the energy production has increased substantially and can suffice the entire household. These days such panel can generate enough power not …

Step To Reduce Energy Consumption At Business Premises

Many people are attempting to save money by purchasing inexpensive models of electrical equipment or gadgets for their residence as well as business premises and in that process; they ignore small aspects that could really save them a lot of money. These people are under the impression that they should take comprehensive steps and buy …

The 3 Best Batteries For An Off-Grid Home Solar System

Types of battery recommended for home solar system If you are planning to build your own home solar power system, at some point in time, you will ask… What are the best batteries for an off-grid solar system? Because of the falling prices of Photovoltaic panels, charge controller, power inverter etc, more and more people …