Magniwork Magnetic Generator – Is The Magniwork E-book Just A Scam?

When I was doing my research on the internet on the subject of home renewable energy, I came across an e-book called Magniwork Magnetic Generator. The first time I saw it, I didn’t give much attention to it and moved on. Recently, I have been seeing a lot of advertisement about the magnetic generator guide …

Magniwork Generator – Is The Magnetic Generator From Magniwork A Scam?

For the last couple of days, I have been reading the Magniwork generator e-book that I bought. I found the information quite interesting. Anyway, I’m a science geek and I like this type of information. I was wondering, can we really use magnetic forces to generate electricity to power our home electrical appliances? According to …

Magniwork Scam – Is The Magniwork Manual Bogus?

Since the last time I did the magnetic generator post, I am still wondering whether the Magniwork e-book is a scam? Is the idea of producing free energy with magnets bogus? If the idea of free energy is real, how come many people don’t know about it? What Other People Say For the last couple …