Extend The Life Of Rechargeable Battery – Use A Smart Charger

I have been reading a lot lately on rechargeable battery. I started my research since I had to buy a new battery for my laptop. The battery is really expensive! Since then, I was wondering if there are any ways to extend the life of a rechargeable battery. As I was doing my reading, I …

5 Easy Ways To Extent Your Laptop Battery Life

This blog post was written on my laptop. I have been using the same laptop for the last 2 years. I noticed the battery life does not last as long as it used to. I guess it’s time to get a new battery pack. How often do you replace your laptop battery? Generally, the function …

4 Ways To Reduce Your Home Energy Bill Immediately

Are you a home owner? If you are, you’ll notice one of the biggest monthly expenses is the electricity bill. The house I am staying is already paid off. Therefore, there is no more bank mortgage. The biggest household bill right now is the amount of money I have to pay for electricity. A couple …