How To Check The Conditions Of Used Deep Cycle Batteries

Checking the voltage of used batteries with a multimeter

In my previous post, I showed you a video of how a man managed to get hold of 1000 Ah worth of battery for only $40.

If you have not seen the video, click on the link below to watch it right now.

How to buy 1000 Ah used deep cycle batteries for dirt cheap?

>> Click here to watch video <<

How do you know if the used deep cycle batteries you’ve purchased can be reconditioned to working service condition?

The only option is to do a voltage test on the batteries with a multimeter and then do a discharge load test.

As you can see in the video above, each used deep cycle batteries are charged up and then tested with a multimeter to check its voltage output.

Next, the battery is run through a load test to map out its voltage discharge curve.

The discharge curve will show you if the battery has a weak cell or whether it has sulfation in the cell.

DIY Home Battery Bank

When you are setting up a home renewable energy system such as solar or wind power, one of your biggest expenses would be on the batteries.

The number of battery needed will depend on your power requirement.

If you are planning to plug-in a lot of electrical equipment to the system, obviously you will need a large battery bank.

What type of battery should you use to store all the energy generated by the solar panels or wind turbine?

It is recommended for you to use deep cycle battery.

Deep cycle battery can hold a lot of power and yet it will release the energy over a longer time frame.

Unlike car batteries that release large amount of energy for a very short time in order to crank the engine, deep cycle battery tends to release a steady flow of electricity.

The deep cycle battery can also be discharged to a deeper level hence it is perfect for home solar power system.

Getting The Best Out Of Your Investment

Most deep cycle batteries are quite expensive. To save cost, it is best you course for used dead deep cycle battery and then reconditioning them into good service state.

Do you want to know more on reviving dead or weak batteries?

If you do, check out the EZ Battery Reconditioning program.

In the program, you will learn how to:

  1. Get old or “dead” golf cart batteries, industrial or L16 batteries
  2. Recondition them back to 100% of their working condition
  3. Use those “like-new” batteries instead of buying new overpriced batteries to save a lot of money

The guide will also show you how to recondition many other types of old, dead batteries back to 100% of their working condition again (so they’re just like new), including:

  • Car batteries
  • Laptop batteries
  • Cell Phone batteries
  • Marine batteries

So if you’re ready to learn how to recondition all types of batteries…

…back to 100% of their working condition

…Then click the link below

<CLICK HERE> Show Me The Presentation Now!

Choosing The Right Components For Your Residential Solar Power System

If you are planning to setup a solar power system at home via Do It Yourself (DIY) approach, you will reach a stage when you have to pick out the proper solar components.

When you go to any hardware store, you can start nitpicking the details and dissect the performance of individual components in order to compare the operations and efficiencies.

But in order to do this, you have to be quite well versed with the science behind electronics and electrical engineering.

It is fair to say, not everyone has that kind of knowledge. Nonetheless, some people do.

Shopping For Solar Components In The Hardware Store

Assuming you have some general information on electrical components and you head over to the hardware store, there are a few things you have to be aware off.

The sale clerk will have recommended a particular equipment to you simply because it’s in their best interest. There may be a promotion running by the manufacturer or they are getting a bigger sales commission.

Components Selection Criteria

When you are selecting the right components for your residential solar power system, the key criteria is “reliability”. Unfortunately, you can’t get the reliability factor from the product data sheet.

Imagine this, when your solar setup is connected to the grid, anytime your equipment fails, it is costing you money.

The fact is, the system is not making you any money as it should when the solar system is down. Any downtime will increase your Return On Investment (ROI) period.

Reliability is critical when choosing the right solar component.

How Do You Measure Reliability?

How do you choose a product which is reliable?

This is the tricky part because there are no universal testing standard. Each manufacturer will have their own testing criteria. This makes it difficult to compare data sheets because you are not comparing apple to apple.

Here’s a suggestion. Purchase a whole solar power system instead of individual components.

This is because a complete system would have proven track records.

Alternatively, read up on a couple of consumer guides to find the best option. But beware, since the industry is moving at such a fast pace and new products are appearing in the market, getting the right information might be a challenge.

Ultimately, when you are spending large amount of money on a home solar power system, it is wise to be a little prudent and conservative.

Avoid new fancy gadgets with shinny lights. Go for the brands and models which have been in the market for some time.

At least they have a proven track record. When in doubt, choose the tortoise instead of the hare.

If you are looking for a reliable home solar power system, check out the Sunforce 39191 Solar Kit. The Sunforce solar kit is comprised of 10 units of the 123 Watt Polycrystalline Sharp solar panel.

These panels are designed for RV’s, homes, boats, back-up and remote power use with 12 Volt battery charging solar power stations, and much more! Truly a value pack.

==> Click here to visit Sunforce 39191 Solar Kit @

6 Reasons Why You Should Invest In Solar Powered Homes

Solar buildings and homes are fast becoming a fad. Home owners are starting to invest in residential solar equipment and that has lead to the solar industry boom.

There are many benefits of using solar power for homes. I’ve came up with a list of 6. It is not a comprehensive list. If you want to add to the list, feel free to add in the comment section below.

1) Subsidies

The government wants home and building owners to invest in green technology such as solar. Personally, I think it is a self serving interest.

Going green is a strong positive environment message that can get a lot of votes. This is a good thing because everyone wins in the arrangement.

The best way to promote solar power is to get more people to invest in it. The best way to do that is to offer subsidizes. Do you know in some part of the country, you can get a discount on home solar system of more than 50 percent due to subsidy?

What better way to get the government to pay you for going green?

2) Mitigate pollution to the environment

Want to reduce your carbon footprint?

Start using solar power for your household.

When you use energy from the sun, you are drawing less power from the grid. Less power demand equals less oil or coal being burned to generate electricity. Hence, less carbon dioxide released into the atmosphere.

3) Investment hedging

Do you know solar components can be a good investment hedging? Chances are, residential solar technologies are going to get more popular in the future.

Therefore, houses that use solar equipment will increase in value.

If the costs for global crude oil were to rise, and probably it will, energy cost will increase in tandem. That will make solar homes more desirable.

A lot of signs showing costs will go up, not down. That’s a good way to hedge your capital investment.

4) Lifestyle insurance

When energy cost goes up, your household is not affected too much because you are using less power. If you have a tied in system, your energy cost may increase a little but still manageable.

In general, you have an assurance of your family lifestyle.

5) Home value appreciation

By simply installing a solar power system, it will automatically increase your home value without raising your property taxes. Not only will you save on your monthly power utility bills, the money saved is not taxable! What more can you ask?

6) Intangible benefits

Some of be benefits of using solar energy is not measurable. For example, playing a role to clean up the environment. A lot of people may be saying they want to go green and that’s about it.

By using a residential solar system, you are taking proactive action! When you put solar panels on your roof, your neighbor will notice. Maybe they will be nicer to you…

Home Solar And Wind Power Videos

Do you want to know how you can use solar modules or wind generator to reduce your home energy consumption? If you do, check out the 30 solar and wind power for home videos e-book we’ve compiled. It’s free to download.

==> Click here to download the free e-book now!

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