DIY Solar Water Heater Guide For Dummies

When was the last time you did a home energy audit? If you were to track the amount of energy your home consumed, you will notice a pattern appearing.

The items that are using a lot of power are mainly the air-conditioning unit and devices with heating element. One of our home appliances that generate heat and use a lot of power is the water heater unit.

If you live in a cold climate area, you know a water heater is a must. Even those that stay in a warm climate area (myself included), we don’t like to take a cold shower in the morning.

I hate the feeling of splashing cold water on my body during the early hours of the day. I would rather use hot, steamy water instead.

DIY Solar Water Heater

To supply hot water in a home, most people will use a water heater unit. I use a solar water heater to heat the water I use for shower. There is also an electric water heater as a backup in case there is a long period of cloudy days.

If you use an electric water heater, it is as good as using a toaster or an iron. It consumes large amount of power!

If you are good with hand tools, you may want to consider building your own Do It Yourself (DIY) solar water heater. In order to do that, you will need a good step by step instructional guide.

Solar Water Heater Blueprint For Beginners

If you are looking for a good solar water heater guide, check out Tom Hayden’s DIY Solar Water Heater e-book. Tom promised to show you how to make a solar water heater for less than $70.

Can it be done? Yup…as long as you follow the instructions.

Tom’s guide is a 90 pages pdf e-book that shows you step by step how to get started on building your own solar water heater.

There are 2 options how you can get a copy of the manual:

1) The Green Living Kit.

This is a premium package that comes with the DIY Solar Water Heater guide plus 12 other DIY guides covering topics such as homemade solar panel, DIY wind turbine, DIY green house and many more. This package is selling for $39.99.

2) Stand alone guide.

In this package, you only get the DIY Solar Water Heater without the additional e-books. The package is selling at $29.99.

For the best deal, go for the Green Living Kit.

Product Satisfaction Guarantee

Just like any other information product on the internet, you are covered by a 60 days money back guarantee policy. If you do not see any value in the e-book, you can ask for your money back within 60 days from the purchase date.

Reduce Your Home Energy Bill By 20%

Do you want to cut your home electricity bill by 20%? This can easily be done if you were to remove the electrical appliances that generate large amount of heat when operational.

One such device is the water heater. If you have the budget, go for a “off the selves” solar water heater unit.

If you want to build your own solar water heater to save money, use Tom Hayden’s guide as a reference. It is a small investment with a potential large payoff.

==> Click here to visit DIY Solar Water Heater web site!

Related web pages:
1) Solar water heating incentives may be on the way

2) Should You Get A Solar Water Heater?

DIY Solar System From Scratch – 4 Essential Components

Do you have high home electricity bills? Home power rates have been increasing ever since global crude oil reached its peak at $150 per barrel back in 2008.

Do you notice your home energy bill went up and stayed the same level even though crude oil prices have reduced? It’s funny isn’t it that energy bill can go up and seldom come back down.

Due to the high energy cost, many home owners are looking into renewable energy source such as solar power to reduce their power consumption.

The fastest way to start enjoying the benefits of solar energy is with a DIY solar system from scratch. However, there are many types of components needed on a DIY solar system. How do you choose?

When you are looking for home solar power kits in a hardware store or in, here are 4 key components you should out look for.

1) Solar Panel.

The solar panel consists of multiple Photovoltaic (PV) cells joined together in series. When you are choosing a solar energy kit, make sure the solar panel is capable of generating at least 12 – 18 volts of electricity.

The solar panel should have a combined current output of at least 60 watts. These criteria are important to charge a standard 12 volts deep cycle battery.

2) Charge controller.

The cables from the solar panels will be connected to a charge controller. The function of the charge controller is basically to regulate the power from the solar cells and also making sure the battery is not overcharged.

Overcharging the battery will drastically reduce its lifespan!

When the battery is fully charged, the charge controller will dump the excess power to a “load”, usually a heating element.

3) Deep cycle battery.

The battery is where you store the power generated by the solar cells. The kind of battery use for residential solar power system in the deep cycle type.

Remember, do not use car battery for a home solar system!

The deep power discharge required by a home solar system will destroy a car battery very fast.

Deep cycle battery is designed to be discharged at a lower level without damaging its internal components.

4) Power inverter.

Since a deep cycle battery can only store Direct Current (DC), you will need a device to change the DC to Alternate Current (AC).

To do that, you will need a power inverter.

Since most of our household electrical appliances use AC, you can now start to tap the electricity from the power inverter.

When you have more equipment using power from the solar power kit, you will start to see a reduction in your home monthly energy bill.

Solar Power Kits From

If you are looking for a good way for a DIY solar system from scratch, check out the Sunforce 50044 from It comes with all the essential components needed to charge a deep cycle battery unit.

The Sunforce 50044 has more than 50 customers reviews and received an average 4 1/2 Stars rating. The kit is designed for RVs, cabins, homes, boats, back-up and remote power usage.

The home solar power kit is selling at $299.99 in and is available in the United States only.

For more information, click on the link below.

==> Click here for more Sunforce 50044 info at

Related web pages:
1) DIY Home Solar Power – 3 Tips On Choosing The Right Solar Contractor

2) 12 Steps Process For A Successful Home Solar Power System

How To Find Cheap Photovoltaic (PV) Cells In Ebay

Step By Step Instructional Video

Here’s a video that I just made to show how to find cheap solar cells in Ebay.

If you are planning to make your own DIY solar panel, one of the key component is the PV cells.

The solar cells can be quite expensive. You can cut down your project cost if you can locate inexpensive cells. One way of doing so is to do your shopping in Ebay.

Here’s a tip, try doing your search in Ebay at least once a week. You don’t know when someone with surplus solar cells would want to off load.

It is smart to be always on the lookout for such offers.

Related web pages:
1) Earth4Energy Scam – Is The Earth4Energy E-book A Fraud?

2) DIY Battery Bank for Home Solar Power System