Extend The Life Of Rechargeable Battery – Use A Smart Charger

I have been reading a lot lately on rechargeable battery. I started my research since I had to buy a new battery for my laptop. The battery is really expensive!

Since then, I was wondering if there are any ways to extend the life of a rechargeable battery.

As I was doing my reading, I got a very good tip from an e-book that I bought. The title of the book is How To Recondition Batteries At Home. In one chapter of the manual, it talks about getting a good smart charger.

The idea of using a smart charger is not to overcharge the battery. Overcharging a battery will kill its lifespan very fast.

So what is so special about a smart charger?

Apparently, a smart charger will sense when a battery is fully charged. It has a feature known as “trickle charging” that keeps the battery tops off. The trickle charging process charges the battery at a lower power rating and usually it will last for another 15 to 30 minutes.

What if we bought a cheap “dumb” charger?

Firstly, a dumb charger will take a longer time to charge a battery because it has a lower charge current. A dumb charger would not have the feature to revert into trickle charging. This means, the charger will keep on charging the battery at the same power rate even though the battery is full.

The result of overcharging is reduced battery life or in some cases fire or explosion due to excessive heat.

I use a lot of AA rechargeable batteries at home. Most of the time when I recharge them, I will leave them on the charger overnight.

Is the charger overcharging and killing the batteries?

I hope not, or I’ll be wasting a lot of money.

If you are keen to learn more on how to extend the life of reusable battery, check out the “How To Recondition Batteries At Home” e-book. You can find them at www.reconditionbattery.com.

Related blog post:

1) Battery storage for solar panels – 3 useful battery bank tips

2) 5 tips on maintaining deep cycle battery for home solar power system.

Easy Solar Panel Cleaning By Mr. Long Arm

A home solar panel is great for generating electricity to supplement energy needs. To get the most sun exposure, most solar arrays are installed high up on the roof. Doing so, it creates a challenge when it is time for cleaning.

It is very challenging to climb up to the roof and try to wipe the dust off the solar panel. Luckily there is a tool from Mr. Long Arm that can assist you in the cleaning process…it is the 1009 Pro Curve Solar Panel Cleaning System Kit.

How easy is it to use the cleaning kit? Check out the video below.

If you are looking for a tool to help you with the cleaning of your home solar panel, the cleaning kit from Mr. Long Arm will make your task faster and easier. It’s available from Amazon.com.

Check it out!

Michael Harvey Earth4Energy – Is He Real?

One of the very first e-book on home renewable energy guide is Michael Harvey’s Earth4Energy. I had that manual for more than a year now.

All this while I have been wondering, is Michael Harvey a real person?

That question came about when I was reading Seth Godin’s All Marketers Are Liars book. That’s a great title isn’t it? It worked because the title of the book got my attention.

In the book, Seth talks about the power of storytelling in a low-trust world such as the internet. Selling on the world wide web is very different from selling in a retail store. There are too many choices, too many noise and minimal human interaction. It is very hard for a web site to build trust.

To be successful selling on the web, you must be able to tell a good story about your product or service. In fact, we as a consumer want to listen to a story about the product or service before we make our decision.

That lead me back to Michael Harvey of Earth4Energy. According to the www.earth4energy.com web site, Michael is a renewable energy enthusiast and a co-founder.

The story was, Michael found a way to make a low cost home solar power system that managed to reduce his home electricity bill. He actually wrote the Earth4Energy manual together with his good friend Mark.

Michael’s idea was also tested on 43 solar newbies and they managed to build a solar panel which is capable of generating electricity to power some of their electrical appliances at home.

It is a good story no doubt, but is the story teller real?

When I was pondering that question, I came to realize one thing…do I really care whether Michael Harvey is real or not?

Well, actually I couldn’t care less.

When I first decided to buy a copy of Earth4Energy, what I really wanted was the content in the manual. I had a problem back then because I was paying a lot of money for electricity at home. I wanted to know if I can reduce my home power consumption by using renewable energy sources such as solar and wind power.

The truth is, I really don’t care how they market or package the e-book. As long as I get some value out of it, I am happy. I am sure other people will feel otherwise.

If you are having the same problem of high home energy cost and you are looking for ways to supplement your energy needs with solar or wind power, check out the Earth4Energy guide. They told a very good story.

==> Click here to visit Earth4Energy now!