Choosing The Right Components For Your Residential Solar Power System

If you are planning to setup a solar power system at home via Do It Yourself (DIY) approach, you will reach a stage when you have to pick out the proper solar components. When you go to any hardware store, you can start nitpicking the details and dissect the performance of individual components in order …

6 Reasons Why You Should Invest In Solar Powered Homes

Solar buildings and homes are fast becoming a fad. Home owners are starting to invest in residential solar equipment and that has lead to the solar industry boom. There are many benefits of using solar power for homes. I’ve came up with a list of 6. It is not a comprehensive list. If you want …

5 Reasons Why Codes Are Important For DIY Solar Power System

Okay, here’s the scenario. You’ve decided to use solar power for your home to cut your monthly electricity bill. You want to build the system on your own because you have some construction and electrical wiring skill. You are very eager to get started. You’ve come up with a budget and started sourcing for the …