How To Choose Solar Panel For Maximum Power Output

Are you planning to go green by utilizing solar energy? Here are a few key aspects that are worth considering when choosing a home solar panel for maximum power output. It is not advisable to base your decision on price alone. The cost of installing a solar panel is decided by wattage rating that you …

Do It Yourself Solar Homes – 7 Easy Steps To Find Air Leaks At Home

If you do not know, the heating and air conditioning equipment consume the largest amount of power in your home. Because of that, any measures taken to improve this area of your home will have a big reduction in your monthly power utility bill. How much money can you save? Up to 5 to 30 …

How To Find Cheap Residential Solar Panels Module

A few weeks ago, I wrote a blog post explaining how to find cheap solar cells for DIY solar panel on ebay. This time around I was thinking, what if someone does not want to spend the time to check and solder all the PV cells together. That will take a lot of time. Are …