Solar Panel Battery Charger For Sale at

Do you need a portable solar panel battery charger? Here’s one that I found on sale at

It is the S-1113 12V Solar Panel Battery Charger.

Here’s some technical specification about the solar battery charger.

1) It uses Amorphous silicon solar cells to convert the sun’s energy to electricity.

2) The unit has a maximum power output of 2 watts.

3) Working voltage output is 12V max

4) Maximum working current output is 150mA.

5) Size wise, it is13 1/2″ x 4 3/4″ x 7/16″. It is slightly larger than a tissue box but much flatter.

6) Comes with standard accessories such as battery clamps and cigarette lighter plug.

So what can you do with the S-1113 solar panel battery charger?

As name suggests, it can be used to charge a wide range of batteries. You can use it to charge battery on cars, boats, motorcycle, RV etc.

When the battery is fully charged, you can use an inverter to use the power to run your electrical devices such as laptop, cell phone, PDA, Ipod, shaver, hair dryer etc.

There’s one drawback about the S-1113 solar panel battery charger though, it is not water proof.

Leave it under the sun to start generating electricity. However, be sure to bring it in when it rains.

If you are looking for a portable solar panel battery charge, you can get it at for $22.99.

==> Click here to get the S-1113 from now!